Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weird Dream

So I had the weirdest dream...

All I really remember though is that I was going to Soap Lake in a disguise as a man with great big feet because I had killed someone, and cops were after me, except my mother came in her car and took me back to Ephrata, and on the railroad tracks hiro's (mygirlhiro) [I had just watched his recent video before bed] trunk was open and just sitting there on the tracks so I called to him, cause he Never left his stuff alone. He was there being chased by someone and I just left. (Nice of me huh?)

I went to the apartment complex to get away from them and the cops and for some reason went to the roof. Levi (corporalcadet) was up there and saw that I was the killer they were looking for. He came at me and I lunged at him and knocked him off the roof and all the way down he was trying to grab the ledges and couldn't, he fell for ages, screaming. I watched his still body for a moment. I thought - damnit that sucked.

Everyone was freaking out because the complex was on fire now. I left the costume where it would be a bit burned so they'd think I died in the fire and so I snuck behind some bushes and left.

Why can't I have dreams with you tubers in them that are nice?

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