Friday, February 20, 2009

From Alan's Blog :)

1. List one book you think everyone should read this year. (if you mention my book for brownie points, please list a second book as well)

Paper towns

2. What is your favorite thing about your hometown?

Going "downtown" only takes a couple of minutes.

3. Incorrectly complete these Fall Out Boy lyrics: "This ain't a scene, it's a(n) _____________" (be creative)

Dog Show

4. What would you title your autobiography and how many pages would it be?

The incoherent life of a girl who can't make up her mind. 400 pages.

5. What was the best Christmas gift you've received? (ages 15 and under, adult Christmas gifts don't count)

Tie between Atari 2600 and Original Nintendo

6. What's one new thing you learned this week? (they say you learn something new every day, so you should have a few things to choose from)

That I remember more of "Let's Get Rocked" by Def Leppard than I thought.

7. Open Skype/G-Chat/AIM and type "how's my favorite friend who I haven't chatted with today?" to someone you haven't chatted with at all today. This item isn't a question, just a polite demand to let someone know you were thinking of them.

8. Tell me one really proud moment from your life. (be specific)

When I got the courage to leave my abusive husband.

9. Tell me one really embarrassing moment from your life. (be specific)

When I crashed my car into the sidebank of the road, I was alone.

10. Have you owned something for way too long... something you know you should get rid of or replace, but can't? If so, what and why?

Geometric sheets from my 13th birthday, elastic is rotten, faded badly, but they have memeories.

11. Fill in the blank: Other than this one, _____ is the last blog I commented on.


12. Do you have any scars? Tell me about one of them.

I have an "L' shape on my left hand middle finger from putting my hand in the bathroom door when I was three, right as my dad won the play "fight" with mom and shut it.

13. I say "this is not tom", you say:
A. Who the eff is Tom?
B. Thank god, Tom sucks!
C. Oh, I love staring at page source code all day and solving riddles!! <3
D. And this is not me, not clicking the back button and not not reading the rest of this stupid meme.

I went to the site, didn't get it, sorry :(

14. What do you get complimented on the most? (your looks, your creativity, your impressive collection of black santa figurines)

My creativity :)

15. Paste a link here to your favorite picture online:

I don't really look for pictures online...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What a frustrating day!

So I had a video idea, a song parody-ish thing, with pictures. A tribute to someone I like.
I decided to record upstairs, brought the recording downstairs, put it on the computer and it was horrbly overmodulated!*grr*
Decided, OK, just record the song track with the camera upstairs and sing to it on the computer.
That didn't work either for some reason, when I record to something I'm listening to when I play it back it doesn't match the timing to the track when I add it! I had this problem with the Levi video as well. *sigh*

So, OK, sing to it straight (as in coming out of the speakers), I sound like I have no idea what the song is! It also sounds muffled (the track) and I sound like I'm singing out of my forehead and flat! *grr*
I'm not the greatest singer but I want to send it to him and it would be nice if I didn't sound like a overenthusiastic twelve year old!
I've been at it all day and only have the visual done!
I was going to make another today too.
Scrap that idea.

He did talk to me on skype tonight though, I'm pretty sure when I do upload it he will appreciate it.

Thanks for reading :)
I hope you have a better day.