Monday, November 24, 2008

Dreams can be so real...

Ok, so I slept all day, I hate the fact that my sleeping schedule is all messed up. I really need to find a job.
I should be listening to the songs for the play (we are doing A Christmas Carol) instead I'm listening to Eddplant, and I just found out yesterday it's six performances and not four like I was originally told. I still don't have a car, and just got roped into picking up Kelly. Kelly's mom just called back while writing this, they now don't want me to pick her up because our car smells like smoke (picky people) and I'm using Jim's car tonight ( which smells like smoke even worse), but what about the rest of the time? So I told her it was no guarantee that I can take her to every practice!

So the real pupose of this vlog is a dream. I sometimes dream very vividly, sometimes in black and white, and sometimes can only remember snippets. This one was so real though I'm tempted to ask this person if they are mad at me.

Ok, so it starts out in the doctor's office we used to go to when I was little, I'm about ten, and then we leave and go down to the store - I grow form ten years old to an adult on the way down, when we get to the store the checker is Eddplant, and we talk like he's worked there forever and make plans to go to the '50's diner in town (there is no '50's diner in my town!).
At the diner he talks about a gig that he has next week and whether I'l be coming, of course I say yes, and then he says "You'd like eveything I do though! What about the real people?" This really hurt me feelings (in the dream) and I said "I try and tell you honestly what I think of your songs, I don't just say "awesome" every time! Besides you have quite a large following on the Net, over 1,000 people can't be wrong!"

He said "Yeah, but the last one you didn't..." Me "It was a cover, I try to have honest opinions on the originals."

He starts to talk about a song he's working on, shows me the chord diagram, and chords and frets and whether it needs a capo and whether I think it needs a middle eight. Most of what he says I have very little knowledge of and so I do a lot of active listening,(I mean it's better to look stupid than open your mouth and prove it right?) He asks "You don't have an opinion?" so I said "Well, I listen to alot of music and I know what I like and I have trouble getting from the page to hearing it in my head. I have written very few songs."- I smiled at him.

"You are Useless!" he said angrily, got up and stormed out.

I woke up.

Ed is a sweetie, there is no way he'd ever do that I don't think, but in the dream it was so real! And for some reason he was wearing a bright purple silk shirt, didn't match him at all....

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